Sunday, June 24, 2012


Burt Whitaker attended the Foursquare Church in Danville and was very close friends with the Harvey Family. In fact he was in competition with Larry for Janice Rohrer's love. When Larry won there was no remorse on Burts part. He could see what was between them Years later I teased him because Burts son married into the ROHRER family by the "backdoor"  as I put it. Now Burt would like nothing more to be in attendance at this  HARVEY remembrance but he was not able to attend  Terrys for the same reason. He attends a church in Ridgefarm Illinois and the pastor has resigned to be an Evangelist. That left the church without a pastor so Burt has assumed giving the messages. I think Larry would say "WAY TO GO BURT; I'LL SEE YOU JUST INSIDE THE EASTERN GATE !"