Thursday, June 7, 2007


Harvey and I went to Mendota for the visitation of a cousin we have loved over the years. His sister and her daughter were there also. We visited another cousin that was in a nursing home while we were there. We used to have "cousins reunions" every year. The parents had all passed away and we didn't want to lose touch. Harvey and I would go up several times a year just the two of us to visit. We would go to Clarence and Beulah's and play Euchre.They would always be partners against Harvey and I. It got so that Beulah would look at Clarence and say "Don't ya care?" and he would answer "I CARE!" One day I was shopping and saw this perfect little gold pin and it said "I CARE". I had to buy it for Beulah.Then whenever we went up to their house in Wyanet IL she would have that pin on.I could tell story after story about our fellowship together.I will always remember Beulah's "DON'T YA CARE!!!"

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